6 Safety Tips for Gardening With Children

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A young child playing with the dirt in a gardening bed. He holds a small, colorful shovel in each hand.

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Gardening is generally a safe activity for children. But as most parents know, kids can find a way to hurt themselves in even the most seemingly harmless activities. That’s why keeping safety in mind when gardening with children is important. Here are some tips to help you have a fun and safe gardening experience with your little ones.

Choose Safe Plants

Some plants have thorns or prickly leaves that could potentially harm children while they’re gardening. Make sure to choose plants that are safe for kids to handle, such as flowers with soft petals and herbs without thorns.

Other plants are toxic if they are ingested. Examples include foxglove, lily of the valley, and oleander. Before selecting plants for your garden, double-check to make sure they’re safe for children.

Use Child-Friendly Tools

The quality of your child’s gardening tools matters because low-quality tools can break easily and cause injuries. Invest in sturdy, child-sized tools that are easy for them to handle. Look for tools with blunt edges and comfortable grips.

Stay Hydrated and Protected

Gardening is a great way to get your kids outside in the summertime. However, as a hot-season activity, it can also pose the risk of dehydration and sunburn. Make sure to have plenty of water on hand, and encourage your child to take breaks in the shade. Don’t forget sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent sun damage.

Watch Out for Bugs and Critters

Gardens are home to many insects, some of which may not be so friendly. Teach your child to be aware of their surroundings and avoid touching any unfamiliar insects they may come across. If you live in an area with potentially dangerous critters, like snakes or spiders, make sure to educate your child on how to stay safe around them.

Set Rules and Boundaries

Before letting your kids loose in the garden, set some ground rules for safety. This can include things like not eating anything from the garden without checking with an adult first, wearing gloves when handling plants, and staying away from sharp tools. You should also establish boundaries for where you allow them to dig or play in the garden.

Gardening with children can be a wonderful and educational experience. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind. By following these safety tips and keeping a watchful eye on your little ones, you can make sure they stay safe while having fun in the garden.

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