Upcycled Easter Eggs Koinobori Craft for Boys Day

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upcycled Easter Egg Koinobori for Boys Day

As a boy mom, I make sure to celebrate Boys Day on May 5th of every year. Koinobori, carp shaped flags, are a traditional symbol of boys day. So this year, my son and I made koinobori out of our leftover Easter eggs. They turned out great, and I was so happy to find another use for these plastic eggs!

What is Boys Day?

Boys Day, traditionally known as Tango no Sekku, is a Japanese holiday that celebrates boys and wishes for their success in life. People celebrate by hanging koinobori outside of their homes, and eating traditional foods such as Chimaki and kashiwa-mochi.

In 1948, this holiday was officially renamed Kodomo no Hi, or Children’s Day. Despite it’s name change, it is generally still celebrated as “Boys Day”, since girls already have their own day (Hinamatsuri).

Boys Day in Hawai’i

Boys Day is also celebrated in Hawai’i, since there are many people of Japanese ancestry who live there. On this day, boys are given extra special treatment and sometimes small gifts. Koinobori may also be flown at some families’ homes, though not as often as they would be in Japan.

Girls' Day / Boys' Day

Learn about the origin, significance, and customs of Girls’ Day (March 3) and Boys’ Day (May 5). This book highlights the similarities and differences between community, school, and family celebrations in Japan and in Hawaii. 

How do you make an Upcycled Easter-Egg Koinobori?

upcycled Easter Egg Koinobori for Boys Day


Step 1: Make a small loop at one end of the pipe cleaner and twist it to secure it.

upcycled Easter Egg Koinobori for Boys Day

Step 2: Take the top of one of the Easter eggs and insert the pipe cleaner through the hole at the top.

upcycled Easter Egg Koinobori for Boys Day

Step 3: Do the same thing with 5 “bottoms” of the Easter eggs, so it looks like the picture below.

upcycled Easter Egg Koinobori for Boys Day

Step 4: Draw the tail of the fish on a piece of colored card stock, then cut it out. Trace the tail and cut out a second piece. Then, glue the two tails to the end of the pipe cleaner and let it dry completely.

Step 5: Use a black permanent marker to draw eyes on the fish. Then, hang your koinobori up to celebrate Boys Day!

Other Japanese Inspired Kids Crafts:

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  1. Kristiina

    What is. a good way to put a hole in the egg?thanks,

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