Easy Rainbow Macaroni Kids Craft + Free Printable

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Get started with this rainbow macaroni craft by downloading this free printable!

rainbow macaroni craft + free printable

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, so it’s the perfect time to make festive crafts with your kids! This rainbow macaroni craft is fun and will keep those little hands busy for a while. It can also be turned into a great learning activity for your little ones as well.

Fun Facts About Rainbows

  • Rainbows are formed when light travels through water, like when the sun shines through the rain.
  • Everyone sees the same rainbow differently…it all depends on how the light is bent and reflected back to you!
  • Rainbows are a full circle, which means they don’t have an end. We usually see them as semi-circles because we are viewing them from the ground.

For more fun facts, visit Cool Kid Facts.

How Do You Make This Rainbow Kids Craft?

rainbow macaroni craft + free printable


Step 1: Print the guide onto a piece of cardstock or paper.

Step 2: Add glue the first strip of the rainbow, then place red macaroni on it. Repeat with all colors.

rainbow macaroni craft + free printable


  • There are usually 7 colors in the rainbow, but this sheet only has space for 6 because indigo is a hard color to replicate in colored macaroni. If you do happen to make an indigo color, simply add another row of colored macaroni at the beginning or end of the rainbow.
  • This is a great way for your kids to learn the colors and the order of them in the rainbow.
  • For another learning opportunity, you could use colored markers to either write the color or make dots in the different stripes of the rainbow. Then, ask your child to match the macaroni to the correct color.
  • For an even bigger challenge, mix the rainbow macaroni up in a bowl and ask your child to sort the colors before starting this craft project.

Download The Free Printable

Give These Other Rainbow Crafts A Try!

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