Natural Ways To Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Pests

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kid gardening
Photo by Yan Krukau

Homegrown vegetables are tastier than store-bought produce. As a result, children are twice as likely to eat five portions of homegrown fruit and veg a day, according to studies. But to ensure you have a constant supply of fresh veggies to give to your kids, you need to keep pests away from them. Here’s how to do this in a safe, natural, and effective way.

Use homemade repellents

There’s no need to buy chemical repellents that are harmful to animals. Instead, make homemade repellents to keep pests away from your vegetable garden. If moles are your biggest problem, mix castor oil with dish soap and water to keep them away. Crushed eggshells are a good way to stop pests including slugs, ants, and snails from munching on your freshly grown veggies. You can also combine orange peel and water in a bottle and spray it around your vegetable garden as slugs, aphids, ants, whiteflies and fruit flies don’t like the scent of it.

Keep a tidy garden and home

21 million Americans report having seen rodents in their homes. If they’re in your home, then there’s a good chance they’re in your garden too. Rodents will happily eat any vegetables you’ve grown. Mice, in particular, are known for eating vegetable seeds. You can protect your garden from rodents by keeping your garden tidy and trimmed back. Don’t let grass or plants overgrow as rodents will hide out in them. You need to deter rodents away from the inside of your home as well. To do this, keep food in sealed containers, clean up all food debris (even the tiniest crumbs), and don’t leave water out in your home or garden for pets for longer than necessary. 

Rotate your crops

Do you plant the same vegetables in the same part of your garden year after year? If so, you can expect garden pests and bugs to hang around waiting for you to replant these veggies. By simply rotating your crops around your garden, you’ll confuse and deter pests away. Crop rotation is also a good way to preserve your soil and keep it healthy. A good example of vegetables to rotate is tomatoes and parsnips.

Garden pests love to attack vegetable gardens. Follow these natural pest-repellent tips to keep them away from your garden. That way, your family will have lots of fresh veggies to enjoy!

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