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We all want our kids to be healthy, so we do our best to give them healthy food and drinks. Unfortunately, foods that are good for their body are not always good for their teeth! To help, we’ve compiled a shortlist of some of the best and worst foods for your child’s teeth. Check it out and keep your kid’s teeth healthy!
Best: Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds make for excellent healthy snacks that are also good for your child’s dental health. Many of these foods are rich in phosphorous and calcium, which counteract the effects of acid on tooth enamel.
Worst: Dried Fruit
Dried fruit sounds healthy, but it’s actually loaded with sticky sugars that will get stuck in your kids’ teeth. Sticky foods are notorious for causing cavities, so stay way from dried fruit, fruit leather and “fruit snacks.”
Best: Dairy Foods & Drinks
Milk, cheese and plain yogurt are healthy for your kids’ bodies and teeth. They are high in calcium and phosphates, which can help to restore minerals in their teeth and help to rebuild tooth enamel. Just beware of chocolate milk and sweetened, flavored yogurt since they contain a lot of sugar!
Worst: Sugary Drinks
Fruit juice and sports drinks aren’t doing your kids’ teeth any favors. Both may claim nutritional value, but they still contain high amounts of sugar and acids, some of the most common causes of decay in baby teeth.
Best: Green, Leafy Vegetables
Green vegetables such as lettuce, kale, broccoli, arugula, and spinach are known as super foods for their nutritional value, but they are also teeth-friendly for your kids. Leafy vegetables are packed with folic acids, which help improve the health of both teeth and gums and reinforce tooth enamel.
Worst: Cheesy Chips and Crackers
Baked, cheesy crackers such as Goldfish or Cheez-Its seem healthy enough, and kids absolutely love them. Unfortunately, they’re really bad for your kids’ teeth! The coating gets sticky when chewing it, and it can stick to your kids’ teeth or get stuck between them, which can lead to cavities. The same thing goes for cheesy chips like Cheetos and Doritos.
There are many food options for kids out there, and it can be confusing to determine which ones are good for their dental health and which ones aren’t. Keep our list of the best and worst foods for your child’s teeth in mind the next time you’re grocery shopping or preparing a meal for the family.

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