We were lucky to have lots of snow recently, and our kids had so much fun playing in the “winter wonderland” outside. They built snowmen, had snowball fights, and made snow angels.
With the temperature below freezing for a few days, we decided to try a craft that we read about in the book Friends are Friends, Forever. In the book, the girls make frozen snowflake ornaments out of red paper for Lunar New Year. We used different colored construction paper to make our frozen snowflakes, and they turned out great!
Our kids had fun making them and really enjoyed seeing them glisten in the bright sunlight. They were almost magical! Make these frozen snowflake ornaments with your kids, and watch them light up with joy!

How to Make Frozen Snowflake Ornaments
You’ll Need:
- construction paper or other colored paper
- scissors
- string
- bowls or pans to freeze the snowflakes in
- water
Step 1: Take a small piece of construction paper (I cut mine into quarters) and fold it in quarters. Then, fold each side of the rectangle in to form a point, as shown below.

Step 2: Trim the end of the paper and cut different shapes out, as shown below. Then, unfold the paper to reveal your snowflake.

Step 3: Tie a piece of string into one of the snowflake’s holes, leaving enough excess string to hang the ornament.

Step 4: Fill a bowl with water and add the paper snowflake to it. Make sure the snowflake is submerged, and the string is hanging outside of the bowl. We placed our snowflakes outside to freeze overnight. You can also place them in the freezer.

Step 5: Once the snowflakes are frozen, remove them from the bowls by gently pulling up on the string. You make need to tap the bowl a few times to release them.

Step 6: Tie the snowflake ornaments to a tree and enjoy!

Try These Other Winter Kids Crafts

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