The 3 Top Health Benefits of Putting Honey in Toddler Food

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Toddlers need nutritional food to reduce their chance of sickness, promote physical well-being, and improve cognitive development.

For toddlers (older than one year), honey is an excellent supplement that you can combine with various foods to improve immunity, digestion, and sleep patterns. These are the top three health benefits of putting honey in toddler food.

Improves Immunity

One of the best things about putting honey in your toddler’s food is that it’s an antioxidant with several potential health effects. It can prevent allergies, seasonal flu, and infections, making it the perfect supplement for all kids over 12 months old.

Honey can also help when your child has a fever, cold, or sore throat. It contains a variety of crucial supplemental nutrition and tastes great when mixed with fruit and healthy food like these apple nachos or acai smoothie bowl.

Aids in Digestion

Another great thing about putting honey in your toddler’s food is that it promotes good bowel movements. In its raw form, honey is a prebiotic which improves intestinal health. Alongside these lasting benefits, ingesting honey relieves indigestion and balances the gut. Honey also works as a laxative in case of constipation or bloating.

Helps With Sleep

In addition to the nutritional benefits of using honey in toddler food, honey helps release hormones that adjust the body to sleeping time. Since it contains amino acids that increase melatonin and serotonin levels, honey is the perfect supplement for bedtime snacks.

Honey also has a therapeutic effect when eaten before sleep. Experts recommend just taking a teaspoon of raw honey, but it might be advantageous for younger children to mix it into some healthy foods.

Nutritious Food Is Essential for Your Toddler

You can feed your toddler many things, but sticking to the most nutritious will give them a good head start in life. There are quite a few health benefits of putting honey in your child’s food, making it a perfect choice for anyone concerned about diet.

Just remember, babies under 12 months should not eat honey since it contains bacteria their bodies can’t handle. Take the time to learn about what your baby needs to ensure they grow up healthy and strong. When incorporating honey into your child’s diet, know what it means when your honey crystallizes to make sure it is as fresh as possible.

Top 3 Health Benefits of Putting Honey in Toddler Food

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