3 Homemade Baby Cereals

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While baby cereals can be bought at the store, making them is so easy. Plus, the benefits outweigh the little effort needed to make them! Try these homemade baby cereals for your 4 month+ baby.

3 stage 1 baby cereals

What are the benefits of making homemade baby cereal?

  • There are no hidden (and unwanted) ingredients.
  • Organic or whole grains can be used for added health benefits.
  • They can be made in bulk and frozen in small portions.  Reheating takes less than 1 minute, so it is very quick, easy, and convenient to serve them to your baby.

3 Homemade Baby Cereals

rice baby cereal
Rice Baby Cereal

 1.Rice Baby Cereal

Rice baby cereal is typically one of the first things parents feed to their children because it is very easy to digest.  Although rice is typically pretty bland, I encourage you to experiment with different spices to make it more flavorful and interesting.

Oat Baby Cereal
Oat Baby Cereal

2. Oat Baby Cereal

Baby oat cereal is another popular first food for babies. I used quick oats for this recipe because it only takes 2 minutes to cook. You can easily substitute steel-cut oats or other types if you’d like. Again, I encourage you to spice it up to create a variety of flavors for your baby.

quinoa baby cereal
Quinoa Baby Cereal

3. Quinoa Baby Cereal

Quinoa baby cereal isn’t quite as popular as rice or oat baby cereals, but it should be! It is packed with protein and nutrients and can also be flavored with various spices.  I used white quinoa for this recipe because it has a milder flavor, but red, black, or tri-colored quinoa can also be used.

Change it up!

Get creative and try other grains such as barley, farr,o, and amaranth to make baby cereal.  The process will be the same: cook the grains in water, blend it up with additional liquid (either water, baby formula, or breast milk), and season it with spices (if you’d like).

3 stage 1 baby cereals

Try these yummy stage 2 baby cereals!

Cinnamon + Raisin Rice Baby Cereal

Mango + Coconut Rice Baby Cereal

Peach + Coconut Quinoa Baby Cereal

Peanut Butter + Banana Oat Baby Cereal

Blueberry + Almond Butter Oat Baby Cereal

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